Financial Donation

All monetary donations are welcome! We have been blessed by the generosity of donors who believe in our mission. Off The Streets has no paid staff, no office, and minimal overhead. Except for insurance, our overhead is relatively minor. All other funds that are contributed go directly toward the support of our mission. We have found that it costs approximately $1500-$1800 to get a homeless person off the streets in the greater Bridgeport area.
If you would like to make a donation in memory of someone, please use the form below, or send a check and write “In Memory Of” in the memo.
Off The Streets now accepts donations online via SwipeSimple, wire transfer (please contact Gerard Agoglia or Maureen Boda for more information), or check.
If you would like to send the contributions by mail, please send your tax-deductible contribution to Off The Streets Bridgeport at the address listed on our Contact Us page.